about us

  • Focused Study Material: No unnecessary classes or microscopic-level details that are not relevant for exam purposes. Our material is comprehensive, to the point, and designed to save you time.
  • Flexible Learning: Study at your own pace without needing to quit your job or change your schedule. If you have questions, our chat rooms allow you to discuss with other students, and our senior professors are available to clarify any doubts.
  • Performance Tracking: After completing each subject, you’ll take an exam to assess your understanding. Confident in your knowledge? Take our mock tests to gauge your performance level.
  • Affordable Pricing: Our resources are offered at a truly reasonable price compared to others in the market.

As we transition from in-class to online coaching, some features are still in development. Your performance will help us decide if these upcoming features are worth implementing.

We wish you the best in your exams.

ADE Team.

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